Monday, June 9, 2008

The Adoration of Jenna Fox-- Mary E. Pearson

She opened her eyes one day and everything was wrong. They said her name was Jenna Fox, and she has no reason not to believe them, but nothing looks or feels familiar. They showed her years worth of video of her former life, but none of it rings true. Supposedly, she has been an a coma for the past year. But why would her family move while she was unconscious? And why doesn't she have any friends, or memories, or really any innate feelings all of her own? And when her mother tells her to go to her room, why does she feel totally compelled to obey her?

Don't let the sci-fi tone of this book turn you away if you are not typically a science fiction reader. This subtly crafted book has a mix of narration and verse poetry, and will be appealing to teens who like Westerfeld's Uglies books. I really enjoyed this book, and look forward to hearing what teens think about it.

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